Sunday, September 11, 2011

Never forget...

I will never forget September 11, 2001.  I was at work, and I remember a patient coming into the office telling us about the terrorist attacks.  We had no television in the office, just a radio.  We listened to the tragic events transpire throughout the day, and in our minds could not even imagine what had really happened.

I left work that day and immediately went home, sat on the couch and turned on the TV.  What I saw then was beyond what I had pictured in my head all day.  It was almost unbelievable.  I felt like I was watching some horror movie, it just seemed surreal.

An attack on our nation's soil.  The thousands of lives lost.  The heroes who didn't hesitate to put their own lives on the line to save others.

In the aftermaths of this tragedy, our country became one.  American flags flew proudly, our National Anthem was sung loud and proud.  The Pledge of Allegiance was said with meaning and purpose.  We acknowledged strangers, we showed new affection to our loved ones, we took the time for each other.  We were compassionate, sympathetic and supportive to everyone and anyone.

What happened to that patriotism?  What happened to the compassion and caring for complete strangers?  What happened to the humanity that we all found in the days, weeks, months, even year after September 11, 2001?

We are a military family which dates back to my Grandfather, a WWII Navy Veteran.  My husband served for 20 years in the Army, and is an Operation Enduring Freedom Veteran serving in Afghanistan.  Our patriotism for our family is EVERYDAY.  We stand for the pledge, we sing the National Anthem.  It's not a's an expectation.  It shows respect and gratitude.

Our freedom was and never will be free.  Someone is paying the ultimate price.  Whether it was the husband, wife, son or daughter who was in the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, on the flight overtaken in Pennsylvania, the first responder who just had to go back up the stairs, or the Soldier, Sailor, Marine or Airmen overseas....someone is paying the ultimate price for your freedom.

God Bless those who paid the ultimate price on September 11, 2001.

Never forget!


  1. WOW! Brought tears to my eyes!

  2. As a military family, I can't help but think that my own children could have at any time lost their father, I could have lost my husband. We are very fortunate and the thanks that we attempt to display to those who continue to take that risk for others, well it just never seems enough.
