Monday, May 6, 2013

In my memory...I hope you never leave!

Sometimes it just doesn't seem real.  Sometimes I think I will see you again. mind plays tricks on me, and I think I've just had a bad dream.  But my bad dream is actually my reality.  You are gone....I will never see you again, never hold your hand, never see your smile...only in my memories.  

Oh the what if's.  What if I had kept that last phone message?  What if I had recorded that moment?  Taken that picture that seemed so unimportant at the time?  But I know in my heart, our time was precious, genuine, and well spent.

I will never forget my time with you.  The times we shared from beginning to end.  I will never forget being there for you when Grandpa passed away.  I was only 11, but I wanted to take care of you.  I wanted to make sure you were not lonely or sad.  Cleaning for you, making sure you had dinner, doing crafts and puzzles together.  Becoming your best friend!  I will never forget our shopping trips, our lunch dates, our quiet time together.  Sitting around the campfire, taking walks and laughing about anything and everything.

And I will never, ever forget holding your hand, stroking your skin, touching your hair while you hung on to life surrounded by the ones you loved.  I will never forget sitting and whispering in your ear how very much I loved you and that it was ok to leave us if you it would make you more comfortable.  Telling you that we would all be ok.  Asking you to give Grandpa a huge hug for me.  I will never forget the sound of your breathing as I lay in your room.  The overwhelming fear that it would stop.  I will never forget praying that you would wake up the next day, and we could hang out again.  That everything would turn out ok.  Have lunch, go shopping...

But you didn't, and deep down, I knew you wouldn't...but oh how I prayed you would.  I pray everyday, for just one more day.  But I know it will never come, at least not until we meet again. I guess Heaven needed an angel.

So I try to focus on the blessings you brought to my life.  How blessed I am to have called you Grandma.  How blessed my children are to have had the opportunity to have a Great Grandma for so long in their lives...and you were GREAT!!!  Without a doubt!  I am so blessed that I knew and felt the unconditional love of a grandma and that my children had the opportunity to experience the love and memories that only you could provide.

You made me a better parent, and I can only hope I am half the Grandma you were!

You are my angel in heaven....and I love you with my all my heart.  I miss you Grandma  I miss you so very, very much!  I would give anything for one more day....anything!

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